Bleachers Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Bleachers Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Bleachers (symbol)

The bleachers in the novel symbolize the bygone times for each of the player. But this symbol does not lose its meaning with the time going by: it still symbolizes the soul and heart of the city. I is the main place in Messina where new stars are born and the former stars start being covered with the ash of the past.

Brotherhood (allegory)

Eddie Rake has been a coach of “Spartans” for 34 years, and during this time he has coached a lot of boys. And even with years passing, these boys still belonged to some kind of a “brotherhood.” Everyone in Messina treated everyone of the former Rake’s players in a different way, more respectfully and even in a spirit of worship. The proof of brotherhood is represented also in description of sheriff Mal Brown’s treatment to Rake’s players when some of them get into jail. He gives them a separate cell, and the food provision is also better than for another criminals. Also Mal Brown closes eyes on Silo Mooney’s illegal practices, Soli steals cars and sells them for spare parts.

Green-white T-shirts (symbol)

Green-white T-shirts were the form of Messina’s “Spartans”. These T-shirts symbolize the status of a person wearing it, which is incomparable with any other in Messina.

Spartans (motif)

The name of the Messina’s football team is not accidental. Spartans were the citizens of an ancient Greek city, Sparta. They were known for their physical strength, and the ways this strength was acquired. Everyday’s training made the Spartans the most strong and enduring soldiers of the ancient times. The means of Rake’s training were very similar to those of the ancient Spartans, and Messina’s “Spartans” were nowadays reproductions of physical endurance and firmness.

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