Black No More

Black No More Analysis

Black No More by George S. Schuyler is a satire, and that says it all. It seems that the question of racial conflict has been troubling people’s minds for a long time. History knows numerous examples when one nation could start a war against another nation, believing in its own superiority and inferiority of its opponent. Why can’t we solve this problem once and forever? According to George S. Schuyler, people just don’t want to get rid of their prejudices against each other, because they give us a perfect excuse to justify our own failures. It is always easier to say that you can’t achieve something because you have a “wrong” eye shape, skin color or background. Of course no one can deny the fact that such thing as a skin tone can become an obstacle to success, for it would be really unfair to those who have to face various forms of racism. The author just shows the absurdity of the whole situation.

Caucasian people’s ignorance is represented by the Knights of Nordica. Who are these people and why don’t they see that the Ku Klux Klan’s ideas are based only on someone’s sick mind? Surprisingly, not all of them are cruel and bloodthirsty psychopaths. On the contrary, the majority of them is just a bunch of poorly educated people whose job doesn’t bring them either money or satisfaction. They need an idea of white supremacy to be able to believe in the better future. Putting the blame on black people, Jews or any other nation has a therapeutic effect. It gives them an illusion that they do something to improve their lives, that they are on a mission to save the world. As a rule, leaders of such organization just use people’s frustration and dissatisfaction for their benefit. The only way to fight it is education. Schools should be a place where prejudices are destroyed.

George S. Schuyler doesn’t spare black people’s feelings too. He laughs at the idea of black people being completely flawless. Just like Caucasian people, they can be full of prejudices against white people and even each other. He shows that the problem of racism is no less common among black people. One of the protagonists of the story, Max, doesn’t only changes his skin color, he joins the Knights of Nordica. Isn’t it an absurdity? What is more, George S. Schuyler shows that even successful people, who have achieved a lot and are respected, can be unable to notice this hypocrisy. They continue to rant about the prejudices they face daily just for the sake of complaining. As soon as they undergo a procedure of whitening, they learn that white skin doesn’t guarantee neither happiness nor well-paid job.

Black No More by George S. Schuyler is a controversial story. One might adore it, one might hate it, but it is as clear as a day that the author has a point. All of us have to stop paying such significant attention to our skin colors. It is something we are born with, just a part of us, and it shouldn’t mean anything.

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