Black Beauty

On page 25, Max says that people care more about how they look than how they feel. Why does he say this? Do you agree with him?


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Max is referring to the way the horses are presented.... the things they are valued for. The horses were trained to step high, and keep their heads as high as possible, regardless of the fact that this shortened their lives.

“I can't say,” he replied, “but the dealers and the horse-doctors know it very well. I was at a dealer's once, who was training me and another horse to go as a pair; he was getting our heads up, as he said, a little higher and a little higher every day. A gentleman who was there asked him why he did so. 'Because,' said he, 'people won't buy them unless we do. The London people always want their horses to carry their heads high and to step high. Of course it is very bad for the horses, but then it is good for trade. The horses soon wear up, or get diseased, and they come for another pair.' That,” said Max, “is what he said in my hearing, and you can judge for yourself.”


Black Beauty