Between Shades of Gray

Contrast Mr. Stalas with Lina's mother. Infer why there author uses the abrasive Mr. Stalas in this chapter

Chapters 20-28

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Last updated by Alexis S #872221
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Me Stalas is a fat oaf


Mr Stalas is rude and nasty to the peoprl by telling them they should just kill themselves to end their misery and being really cranky becasue he had a bad leg, whereas Lina's mom in nice, gentle, kind, and sweet to all those around her, even if she is in a bad mood. I feel like the reason the author uses Mr. Stalas is to balance out the goodness. I mean, lets face the truth, not everyone can be good. If that were the case we would have world peace, but its not, so we have to embrace the fact that we need those certain people who are rough around the edges and maybe a little cruel at times to balance out the good people. In my opinion, if everyone were good the world wopuld get a lot boring a lot quicker.


I read the book and used my own opinions based on my experiences.