Before the Fall Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the main cause of the private plane’s crash?

    The controversy about the private plane’s crash spread very fast. Many people including the media accused Scott who was among the survivors of the crash. Bill’s talk show accused Scott of the crash because it is believed that he had something to do with the incident. However, the man behind the crash was the co-pilot who was secretly making advances at Maggie Bateman. Maggie is the wife of the rich tycoon, Bateman who was among the people who died in the crash. Maggie had initially refused the co-pilot’s advances and that is why he decided to kill everyone in the private jet.

  2. 2

    What is the emblematic meaning of the character Scott in Before the Fall by Noah Hawley?

    Scott represents the savior because he is the one who saves Bateman’s son by swimming with him to the dry land. Scott was an experienced swimmer because he started doing it while he was a young boy. The two were the only survivors of the private Jet's crash. However, Scott and Bateman's son could not have survived the waters although they survived the crash were it not Scott's expertise in swimming. Therefore, Bateman's son survives because Scott swims with him to the dry land area.

  3. 3

    Does the reader find it sarcastic that Scott turns out to be the most important character in Before the Fall by Noah Hawley?

    At the beginning of the book, Scott is depicted as an unimportant person because he is a struggling artist. The private jet is carrying a handful of rich and important people except for Scott who has not made it in life. Scott is portrayed as a besieged artist and the reader is finding it strange that he found his way into the private plane that belongs to the rich few. However, after the crash, Scott and Bateman’s son survives. Scott plays a vital role in saving Bateman’s son because he swims with him to the shore. Therefore, it is ironic that Scott depicted as an unimportant person is the one saving the son of the rich man.

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