Battleship Potemkin

Battleship Potemkin Character List


Vakulinchuk is a sailor on the battleship Potemkin who leads his fellow crewmembers in a mutiny and inspires them to join the Bolshevik cause. In the fight, Vakulinchuk is killed and becomes a martyr for the Revolution and the people of Odessa. He is dedicated to the cause and his fiery demeanor makes him prone to dramatic displays and intense argument. However, he is also cunning and organized, allowing him to effectively lead his fellow men. The character is based on the real-life Grigoriy Vakulinchuk, who led the mutiny on the Potemkin and was killed, as depicted in the film.

Commander Golikov

Golikov is the Commander of the Potemkin. He feeds his men rotten meat, and when they don't accept soup for their meal he orders his petty officers to kill the sailors to send a message that dissent will not be tolerated. He is impatient and impulsive, quick to anger and quick to resort to violence.

Chief Officer Giliarovsky

Chief Officer Giliarovsky is a ranking officer who chooses to oppress the sailors on the battleship Potemkin. He and the officers are overthrown by the sailors after Vakulinchuk leads the revolt against them. He is the one who shoots and kills Vakulinchuk.

Doctor Smirnov

The ship’s doctor who falsely pronounces the meat safe to eat. He affects an outwardly friendly but patronizing demeanor, subtly flaunting his perceived intellectual superiority over the sailors. When the mutiny begins, he soon abandons the other officers in his attempt to escape, but he is quickly thrown overboard by the sailors.


Another sailor who believes in the Bolshevik cause. Though the sailors make an effort to decide on their actions democratically, he becomes a kind of leader after Vakulinchuk’s death. He is kinder and gentler than Vakulinchuk, but still a resolute and effective leader.