Asterios Polyp

How can I connect this to text to self, or text to text?

how can I connect this to text to self, or text to text?

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Asterios Polyp is the story of a man's life. He is a professor, he is of Greek/Italian heritage, and when he finds himself without a home, he moves away.... as far as his money with take him. As he leaves, he thinks about his family and his past.... the things he regrets. All in all, he looks deeply at the question of fate versus free will.

In order to connect, try to think of something that has happened to you as an individual, possible something that has happened to a member of your family. Polyp had what he believed to be an unhappy childhood hood. He also experienced a bad marriage. Although, you are too young to have experienced these things personally, possibly, you know someone who has.


Asterios Polyp