College Application Essays accepted by Drake University

Drake University

“One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.”

--Leonardo da Vinci

There are only a small number of people who can claim to be the best in their field. The world is not overflowing with virtuosos, experts, and masters in any...

Drake University

Each morning when I entered my preschool classroom, I would cling to my mother, peering out from behind her legs where I would try to make myself invisible. It was only when guided to the children’s table and given some crayons and paper that I...

Drake University

My mother asked me to get the mail – nothing that abnormal. But when I got the mail there was a letter for me from People to People. I opened it immediately out of curiosity, and it said that I had the opportunity to explore England and France. I...

Drake University

Out of breath, I settle down in my three point stance. Everyone on the line is pointing and yelling to say who they are blocking. On the snap of the ball I exert all my energy to push the other opponent into the ground. While football may seem...