Baylor College Medical School

The Pit and The Pendulum by Edgar Allan Poe

-A foggy surreal vision of the court and being judged.The place is dark. every step he sees vague shapes and mirrages. He sees nothing on the ground. Is he walking on air? He sees danger in the darkness but doesn't know what it might be.

Aslan, Please give me a character for the above that you wrote. I just can't visualize a character for this, or is this the character.

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Yes, this is from the guy's point of view who is in the pit.

OK, So on this one the event would be He awakens in darkness, wondering how much of what he remembers was a dream and how much was reality.

Fearful, the narrator again faints, and after he awakes for the second time, he begins to explore the dungeon while wondering what his fate will be.

So, what would the setting be?........the dungeon or the pit.....