Baylor College Medical School

8.3 Aslan Turning Passive Verbs into Active Verbs

8.3 Revise the following sentences to eliminate unnecessary state-of-being and auxiliary verbs.

8.11 The test was on the Civil War.

8.12 I had hoped to find my necklace by the swimming pool.

8.13 We would run twice around the track during our lunch break.

8.14 If you want to be eating ice cream, let's go get some.

8.15 I had had the flu, but now I am being healthy with what I eat.

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8.11 looks okay

8.21 I hoped to find my necklace by the swimming pool.

8.13 We ran twice around the track during our lunch break.

8.14 Let's get some ice cream.

8.15 After having the flue, I am eating healthy.