Baylor College Medical School

73 3. From The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

73 3. Aslan, Can you give me a biographical sketch of Anne Frank, that includes information about her life in the "Secret Annex", and after the Franks were discovered by the Germans.

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Hey Greta, can you narrow down your question? There is so much that happened.

Aslan, just please give me a biographical sketch of Anne Frank, that includes some information about her life in the "Secret Annex", and after the Franks were discovered by the Germans.

If this is impossible, please let me know.

Beyond the timeline, Anne was your typical teenage girl. She had issues with her mother, crushes on a boy (peter) and general teenaged angst. This was compounded by little to no privacy, cramped conditions and the everyday threat of being discovered by the Nazis.