Baylor College Medical School

258. 3. Moon Rondeau by Carl Sandburg (poem)

258. 3. How would you interpret the poem's last three lines, and how do those lines help to understand the rest of the poem?

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It still would be very nice of you to help me with the 258.1 and 258.3 questions, would appreciate your help.

Thanks for your help on the other ones.


Okay, these two lovers don't own the moon, it's a metaphor. The two lovers give little monikers to the moon, "A silver button, a copper coin, a bronze wafer." They somehow think the moon is shining for them. One of the poem's themes is that old chestnut that love will somehow overcome all obstacles and they will conquer the world...or at least the moon!


Thanks again, like I said great guy.


No worries, by the way it's "Aslan" not "Asian".