
Is the main conflict internal or external?

Is the main conflict internal or external?

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The conflict in Oedipus Rex is INTERNAL; it deals with Oedipus' discovery of his true identity and how he reacts to it. The conflict in Antigone is EXTERNAL; the issues of the play center around the consequences of Creon's decisions as they affect and ultimately destroy himself and his family.

Is there a sense on this forum that students not only do not read, they do not think?

I think the main conflict was the external one . The struggle between Antigone and Creon is the struggle that draws our attention most . This struggle actually repesents the strugle between

dear Samantha ,


I think that discussing school work with friends/forums outside of school is a GREAT way to learn.

I think the main conflict was the external one. The struggle between Antigone and Creon is the struggle that draws our attention most. This struggle actually repesents the strugle between human and the Gods' laws. I think that no character of the play had any important inner conflict as both Creon and Antigone thought they were on the right way the thing that blinded them from feeling any inner conflicts.

dear Samantha ,

U are luckye enough in America to have such good schools , but we unfortunately in Egypt have to depend on ourselves in every thing . We get nothing from schools . We have to learn how to do all the work ourselves. when we first went to college we were asked to make a criticism on one of the litrary works . We didn't know even what is the meaning of criticism coz we did not have such things in schools.We even did not learn to have apoint of view.