Animal Farm

How does the novel illustrate this theme: "A vision of a better society can be corrupted if care and watchfulness are not exercised by its citizens?"

How is "A vision of a better society can be corrupted if care and watchfulness are not exercised by its citizens" a major theme in animal farm?

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I think that Orwell had a darker view of society. I think your thesis statement might be altered to:

"A vision of a better society will be corrupted". Orwell held the pessimistic belief that totalitarianism was inevitable, even in the West. According to Russell Baker, who wrote the preface to Animal Farm’s 1996 Signet Classics version, Orwell’s pessimism stemmed from his having grown up in an age of dictatorship. Witnessing Hitler’s and Stalin’s movements from afar, as well as fighting totalitarianism in the Spanish Civil War, Orwell came to believe in the rise of a new species of autocrat, worse even than the tyrants of old. This cynicism is reflected in both of his highly successful novels, Animal Farm and 1984.