Angela's Ashes

Angela's Ashes Sources and ClassicNote Author

  • McCourt, Frank. Angela's Ashes. New York: Scribner, 1996.
  • McCourt, Frank. 'Tis. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2000.
  • McCourt, Frank. Teacher Man. New York: Schibner, 2005.
  • McCourt, Malachy. A Monk Swimming: A Memoir.. New York: Hyperion, 1998.
  • Mitchell, James B. "Popular Autobiography as Historiography: The Reality Effect of Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes." Biography, Vol. 26, 2003

  • Bartnik, Ryszard. "The Comic and the Tragic in the Drama of Irish Belonging in Frank McCourt's and Dermot Healy's Autobiographies," in Ironies of Art/Tragedies of Life. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang, 2005. pp. 153-75.

  • Matiko, Beverly J. "Ritual and the Rhetoric of Repetition in Angela's Ashes." Michigan Academician, 2000 July; 32 (3): 289-97.

  • McCaffrey, John Lawrence. "The Irish Story: Telling Tales and Making it up in Ireland." New Hibernia Review. 2003-07-01. 2006-07-10. <>.
  • Levy, Peter. "The Predicament of Individuality in Angela's Ashes." Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies 2002 Autumn-Winter; 32 (2): 259-72. 2002-01-01. . <>.
  • Harrington. "Angela's Ashes." Literature Film Quarterly vol:29, p. 58. 2001-01-01. 2006-07-11. <>.