Anecdote of the Jar Quotes


"I placed a jar in Tennessee"

Narrator, line 1

This line is a demonstration related to the man-made constructs present in the world. Both the jar and the fringes of the territory of Tennessee were imagined and made by men. In this way, the possibility of Tennessee symbolizes men attempting to control nature.

"It made the slovenly wilderness
Surround that hill"

Narrator, line 3-4

Here, the wild is depicted differently in relation to the man-made. But, "slovenly" is a man-caused word to use to depict the wild. Things that are slick and well-kept—otherwise stated, far from slovenly —are typically the manner in which they are on the grounds that a human has made them that way. Along these lines, the wild is being removed beyond what many would consider possible from the man-made, even while it's bowing to the desire of this little jar.

"The wilderness rose up to it,
And sprawled around, no longer wild"

Narrator, line 5-6

Once more, we see the container practicing command over the wild. We can nearly envision the trees like subjects of the court, all bowing down immediately to pay tribute to the ruler—for this situation, a container.

"It took dominion everywhere"

Narrator, line 9

In the event that wherever implies all over, at that point more than the wild is in peril of being under the standard of the dark, covered jar. We, as no nonsense individuals, could likewise turn into its prisoners. What amount do you depend on the man-made items throughout your life?

"It did not give of bird or bush"

Narrator, line 11

The wild has something the jar doesn't have, all things considered. Things in the wild can breed and develop of their own control. You could trap an infant winged animal in a container, however you positively couldn't make one with a jar.

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