And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None Character List

Anthony Marston

Marston is a young, handsome, rich playboy. He is a dangerous driver and is accused of killing a young couple with his car. He is the first character to be murdered. Cyanide is put in his drinking glass and he chokes to death after drinking.

Mrs. Rogers

Mrs. Rogers is the house servant and the wife of the butler, Mr. Rogers. She is accused by the gramophone recording of taking part in the killing of her former employer. She is the second victim in the house and is killed after being given a lethal dose of sleeping medication.

General Macarthur

Macarthur is a retired World War I general who is accused of sending a man with whom his wife is having an affair into battle so that he will be killed. The General has a strong sense of foreboding upon arriving on the island and is the third victim. He dies from a traumatic blow to the head.

Mr. Rogers

Rogers is the butler and caretaker of the house on Indian Island. He, along with his wife, withheld an important medication from a former employer, which killed his employer. He is the fourth victim on the island, dying from a blow to the head while chopping firewood.

Miss Emily Brent

Miss Brent is a religious fundamentalist who believes she is morally superior to everyone else on the island. She is accused of killing a young girl by causing her to commit suicide after being kicked out of her house. Miss Brent dies from a dose of cyanide injected into her neck.

Mr. Justice Wargrave

Wargrave is an old judge who is accused by the gramophone of having murdered Edward Seton, a man over whose trial he presided. The reader believes that Wargrave is the sixth murder victim on the island, but the final chapter reveals that Wargrave is the Indian Island murderer and had faked his own death.

Dr. Armstrong

Armstrong is a surgeon who is accused of having killed a patient after performing an operation on her while intoxicated. He is tricked by the killer into helping him in his plot and then is killed through a "red herring" by being thrown off one of the island's cliffs.

Detective Blore

Blore is a former detective with Scotland Yard. He committed perjury and thus locked up an innocent man. He dies after being hit in the head with a marble clock shaped like a bear.

Philip Lombard

Lombard is a soldier of fortune. He is responsible for the deaths of a native African tribe. Lombard is killed by Vera Claythorne using his own revolver.

Vera Claythorne

Vera is a former nursemaid coming to the island under the pretenses of becoming Mrs. U.N. Owen's secretary. She caused the death of a young child who drowned and lost the true love of her life, Hugo, over the incident. Vera hangs herself after killing Lombard.

Fred Narracott

Narracott is the captain of the boat that ferries over all the Indian Island guests.

Sir Thomas Legge

Legge is a policeman with Scotland Yard who attempts to solve the mystery of the murders on Indian Island.

Inspector Maine

Maine is a policeman with Scotland Yard in charge of the Indian Island investigations.

Isaac Morris

Mr. Morris is the man used by U.N. Owen to arrange for the details of the Indian Island murders. He bribes Lombard into going to the Island. He is often referred to derogatorily as "Jewboy."