All Quiet on the Western Front

As the war nears the end, what is the condition of the German forces?What affect will this have on the soldiers?

chapter 11

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The Germans are losing the war by this point. Their guns are jamming, they have little food or provisions. The soldiers are dying by the thousands being replaced with boys, virgins with rifles. The morale is at an all time low. The men are losing hope. The opposition's sheer numbers, not its quality of soldiers, has crushed the Germans. Rain has soaked the men in the past weeks; now they deal with the oppressive heat. Kat is heavily wounded in the leg one day, and Paul carries him back to the dressing station. On the way, they stop for a drink and a cigarette and promise to stay in touch after Kat is sent away for his injury. Paul delivers Kat back, but he has died on the way--part of the shell hit his head, as well.
