All My Sons

Toward the end of the play Chris announces that he’s going away . Why does she want to leave ? Why doesn’t he want Ann to join him ?support your answer with evidence from the text

Toward the end of the play Chris announces that he’s going away . Why does she want to leave ? Why doesn’t he want Ann to join him ?support your answer with evidence from the text

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Chris returns and says that he will leave town because he cannot bear to be around his father with the knowledge he now has. He could jail him if he were human any more, but "I'm like everybody else now. You made me practical." Ann says she will go with him, but he says no, because in her heart she will always be asking him to send his father to jail. She says he should do what he has to do, but he cannot find a reason to make Keller suffer; after all, putting him behind bars will not raise the dead.
