All My Sons

one example of how chris's behavior throughout the play reflects his struggle with these different beliefs

one example of how chris's behavior throughout the play reflects his struggle with these different beliefs

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Returning from the war as a hero, Chris found the day-to-day provincialism of his old life stifling. But Chris is a family man, and he is devoted to his parents. He is uncomfortable with the success his father's business found during the war, when so many of his comrades died pointlessly. Chris constantly holds this against his father. He redirects his discomfort into an idealism and an attitude of social awareness that is foreign to his family environment. Others perceive Chris's idealism as oppressive, asking sacrifices of others that Chris himself does not make as he lives comfortably (if guiltily) on his father's dime.


that's amazing thank you please last one i need and i leave you and you are amazing really!