Across Five Aprils

1. What was happening in the small towns of southern Illinois at this point in time? 2a. What was the news of the Battle of Bull Run? b. How did this affect the mood of the local population? 3a. What were the plans of John and Shadrach? b. What had ha

1. What was happening in the small towns of southern Illinois at this point in time?2a. What was the news of the Battle of Bull Run? b. How did this affect the mood of the local population?3a. What were the plans of John and Shadrach? b. What had happened to Tom and Eb?4. What had happened at the Battle of Wilson’s Creek?5. What did people think of General McClellan at this point in the war?6a. Where was Jeth sleeping now that the boys had left? b. What were Jethro’s dreams like?7. What was on Bill’s mind all the time now?8. List two conflicting feelings Bill had about the war:9. What was the workload like for Bill and Jethro on the farm that fall?10. What was Walnut Hill, and what had Jethro done there when he was younger?11. What had happened between Bill and John and why?12. What was Bill's decision?13. What were Bill’s parting words to Jethro?

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