A Wrinkle in Time

what are the three ws in wrinkle in time

what are the three ws in wrinkle in time

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Mrs. Whatsit

Mrs. Whatsit is one of the three ladies who help Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin travel through time to fight the Dark Thing and rescue Meg's father. At the beginning of the book, so steals sheets from a townsperson which causes some to believe her to be a tramp. She, however, is a clumsy and, often silly, lady who befriends Charles Wallace and offers moments of comic relief on their journey.

The reader soon learns that Mrs. Whatsit, in a previous life, was actually a star. She lost her star life doing battle with the Dark Thing; and though she managed to wound the Dark Thing, she herself lost her ability to shine in the sky.

Mrs. Who

Mrs. Who is one of the three ladies that help Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin travel through space and time during their quest. She has the idiosyncratic habit of quoting lines from famous literature and philosophy in order to shed light on perplexing moral and ethical dilemmas that the children face on their journey.

Mrs. Which

Mrs. Which is one of the three ladies who help Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin travel through time and space in order to fight the Dark Thing and rescue Meg's father. Mrs. Which is the oldest of the three ladies (being many hundreds of millions of years old) and also their leader. She has the particular talent of wrinkling time and space in order to let the children travel great amounts of distance to far planets. She very often does not materialize as an actual person but remains a presence that the children can hear and feel.

