A Streetcar Named Desire


What are the tensions between Blanche and Stanley? Consider their backgrounds, perceptions of each other, values, expression of their sexuality, relationship with Stella, and their cramped living conditions.

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Blanche and Stanley are complete opposites. Stanley is a hard worker, who knows that his family's future depends upon his work. Blanche is spoiled and believes herself entitled, and over the course of the play, she is proven a hypocrite. She cannot accept the realities.

Blanche moves around Stella and Stanley's home, as if she's in a dream. It is also important to remmeber that although Blanche looks down on Stanley, her past is a contradicition in the same way that Stanley abusive behavior toward Blanche belies his accusations against her. Neither Blanche or Stanley has difficulty pointing out each other's flaws and weaknesses, but in the end, the audience knows exactly how weak and flawed they are.


A Streetcar Named Desire