A Raisin in the Sun

How does the Youngers' home present them as a poor family?

Question is from the book, 'A Raisin In The Sun' by Lorraine

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I think the notes before the beginninfg of the play identify the poverty of the Yuongers:

Now the onceloved pattern of the couch upholstery has to fight to showitself from under acres of crocheted doilies and couch covers which have themselves finally come to be more important than the upholstery. And here a table or a chair has been moved to disguise the worn places in the carpet; but the carpet has fought back by showing its weariness, with depressing uniformity, elsewhere on its surface.

Weariness has, in fact, won in this room. Everything has been polished, washed, sat on, used, scrubbed too often. All pretenses but living itself have long since vanished from the very atmosphere of this room.