A Princess of Mars Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

A Princess of Mars Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


Bladed weapons are symbolic of the untamed, unyielding spirit of the Martian races. Despite their technological advancements, combat is still very much a personal, in-your-face matter as they relish the opportunity to showcase their mastery with a sword as well as show off their strength.

Flying Machines

Whether it is a single pilot personal transport or a massive aerial dreadnaught, flying machines embody the fascination of the author for the technological wonder of flight as this was still very much the scientific discovery of the age, at least during the time of it’s writing.

Savage, multi-limbed creatures

The utterly savage, multi-limbed fauna of Mars are symbolic of how completely alien, how otherworldly Mars is. The strange and lethal fauna are also a respectful nod to the pioneer/explorer’s spirit as brave pioneers and explorers dispatched pumas and panthers as they explored jungles and tamed the plains all the name of adventure and spreading civilization.

Ruins of Ancient Civilizations

The great vestiges of the precursor Martians architecture effectively serve as a warning to the present Martian society and symbolic that no matter how great a society becomes nothing lasts forever. Despite all their advanced technology the Ancient Martians couldn’t stop the gradual decline of the planet or the extinction of their people.

Desert Landscape

Another obvious nod to the pioneering spirit of the early Americans; the wide open, rocky Martian landscape is analogous to the rolling plains and prairies of the Old West.

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