A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Pain and pleasure

Pain and pleasure symbolize human experience. Burke precisely explains why an individual has to endure pain and pleasure in his life. According to Burke, life is not all about pleasure or pain. Therefore, he encourages readers to accept pain as a learning experience. Under normal circumstances, people tend to forget their pains when experiencing pleasure. Therefore, the author reminds readers that pain should give them a positive experience because it serves as a life lesson.


The author uses grief as a symbol of disappointment in human life. According to the author, grief comes in one’s life when pleasure is lost. In most cases, the author indicates that pleasure ends without notice, and that is when grief takes over an individual’s life. Similarly, the author reminds readers that it is difficult to attain pleasure, but it can be lost within a second.

The external forces on conduct and mawkishness

The external forces on an individual’s conduct and sentiment are symbolized by self-preservation. Self-preservation is an attribute an individual applies in his life to observe societal morals. Similarly, self-preservation influences how an individual behaves around himself and people.

Preparatory knowledge

An individual's prior knowledge is symbolized by passion. However, Burke reminds readers that passion is only predictable when prior knowledge is available. With positive energy and passion for something, a person can achieve his set objectives. However, if an individual allows fear to arrest him, his passion declines significantly, making it impossible for him to achieve his goals.


Humanism is symbolized by sublimity and the beautiful feelings in an individual. Attaining humanism is a process that requires an individual to have positive emotions, courage, and the willingness to do what is right at all times. Therefore, the author persuades readers to observe the attributes of humanism and always remember the significance of having a positive mindset.

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