A Man For All Seasons

Is Sir Thomas More really a man for all seasons?If he is,then why did he fail to weather the season of legal and theological storm brought about by King Henry's intention to divorce the Queen?Discuss

Is Sir Thomas More really a man for all seasons?If he is,then why did he fail to weather the season of legal and theological storm brought about by King Henry's intention to divorce the Queen? Discuss

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Last updated by Samiihah B #453222
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Yes, I believe More is a man for all seasons. The fact that he refuses to compromise his own beliefs and follow his conscience shows his ability to weather any storm. He has no control over the eventual outcome or his own fate, but he does have control over what he believes to be right and wrong and the ability to adhere to his own moral standards. Others might argue that his willingness to die for what he believes alludes to the exact opposite, but manipulation, lies, and false statements don't make a "man," actions make the man.

More is a man of all seasons.He opposes the King's decisions about divorce thus showing that he has control over caracters who are more imposing than him..he can deal with situations that are complex as he he has a moral mindset and he takes decisions which he thinks are just.


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