A Long Way Gone

On the second page of Chapter 5, he says: ”I thought myself..." What did he think about?

Second page of chapter 5.

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Beah was thinking about death.... his own death, and the deaths of his brother and friends. He was waiting to die.

As we approached the village, two of the rebels ran ahead. Six of us and one rebel, I thought to myself. But he had a semiautomatic machine gun and a long belt of bullets wrapped around him. He made us walk in two lines of three, with our hands on our heads. He was behind us, aiming his gun at our heads, and at some point he said, “If any of you makes a
move, I will kill everyone. So don’t even breathe too hard or it might be your last.” He laughed and his voice echoed in the distant forest. I prayed that my friends and brother wouldn’t make any sudden moves or even try to scratch an itch. The back of my head was getting warm, as if expecting a bullet anytime.


A Long Way Gone