A Long Way Gone

Chapetr 6; page 37. Beah writes, "this one of the consequences of the civil war. People stopped trusting each other, and every stranger became an enemy." Describe the role that music is playing in this story so far?

Chatper6 page 37

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Because it symbolizes the happiness in the story because when the rebels aren't attacking towns, they're happy. Does that make sense to you?

If not, answer me back when you get a chance.

Glad I could help Rachel! :)

Why is the music in the story?

Yes it actually does hehe! :) thx again, ur the best. Lol

Ur welcome Rachel.

Let me know if u need more help on ur homework or whatever it is. I'm the man.

I'm the man girl! I'm the MAN! LOL!


Actual lay to come to think about it I have this one: (some reason it won't let me post it.) (it says the link doesn't exist) (or something) but yeah here:

Chapter8 question2: beah reminisces about his family while he is alone. He looks for medicinal leaves his grandfather showed him, for the soapy leaves he discovered during the summer with his grandmother, and thinks about the story of the wild pigs his grandmother told him. He remembers that his father used to say, "if you are alive, there is hope for a better day and something good to happen. If there is nothing good left in the destiny of a person, he or she will die." Did these thoughts help beah or make him more lonely and depressed? What makes you think so?

I believe this quote will help Beah overcome his internal fears with the war. Because he's touched by this and because he's only 12, he doesn't know that the rebels are trying to kill everybody in every village.

The reason why it makes me think so, is because you want something good to happen to you in your life. You want good things to happen. You don't want to have fear for whatever the bad things will do to you in your life.

Again, am I making enough sense? If so, I'm the MAN! Doing!!!! (The sound doing not the word doing like you're doing something. lol!)

Anyway, I hope that makes sense to you. Let me know ASAP if you need more assistance with your homework. I'm the guy to help you with.

Anyway, I think we should chat a little bit.

Whatdya say? Should we chat?

Thanks again and get back to me when you get a chance,

Cameron Green (boy)

Sure why not and yes I do have some more if u don't mind being me again

Sure why not and yes I do have some more if u don't mind being me again

Aw, NO PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!

lol hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii