A Long Way Gone

A Long Way Gone

“Before the war a young man wouldn’t have dared to talk to anyone older in such a rude manner” (p. 33). What event is Ishmael responding to? Where else in a long way gone do you encounter this type of behavior?

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In context, this quote refers to a rebel holding a bayonet to an old man's neck in his attempts to garner information. Prior to the war people didn't act like this..... let alone disrespect and elderly man.

“Why did you leave Mattru Jong?” a rebel asked while examining his bayonet. He measured the length of his knife with his fingers and then held it against the old man’s neck.
“It looks like a perfect fit.” He motioned driving the bayonet through the old man’s neck.
“Now are you going to answer my question?” The veins on his forehead stood out as his fierce red eyes watched the trembling face of the old man, whose eyelids were shaking uncontrollably. Before the war a young man wouldn’t have dared to talk to anyone older in such a rude manner. We grew up in a culture that demanded good behavior from everyone, and especially from the young. Young people were required to respect their elders and everyone in the community.


A Long Way Gone