A Long Walk to Water

What can we infer about Salva based on his actions?

What can we infer about Salva based on his actions

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Salva is the main character in the novel: a boy born in southern Sudan. Salva lived in a village together with his family, but when the Sudanese civil war started, he was forced to flee his village and travel to another country. At the time when Salva was forced to run, he was only eleven years old. He traveled with various groups who either abandoned him or convinced other groups to take him. During the trip to Ethiopia, Salva encountered his uncle, who took care of him and advised him to never give up. Unfortunately, Salva’s uncle was killed by a group of soldiers and Salva found himself alone once more. Salva ended up staying in Ethiopia for six years until the government forced all the refugees to leave the country. Salva teamed up with other boys from the camp and they started their long journey to Kenya; there he spent a few more years in different camps. In the year 2000, Salva was among the boys chosen to go to America. There, he started going to college, and in a short time, he chose to study business. After returning to Sudan, Salva decided to start a non-profit organization that had the purpose of bringing clean water and education to the remote villages in Sudan.

