A Lesson Before Dying

How is the prosecutors story different from Jefferson’s story?

Page 6-7

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During the trial, Jefferson tries to explain what happened the day of the murder. He says that he accepted a ride from two older acquaintances, Bear and Brother, who hoped that Jefferson could lend them some money to buy a drink. Jefferson had no money, so they went to Gropé’s store, hoping he would give them some wine on credit. Gropé refused, and Bear, already drunk, attacked the storekeeper. A scuffle ensued, with Brother, Bear, and Gropé dead. Jefferson, unsure what to do, took a bottle of whiskey and some cash from the register and tried to run away, but two white men entering the store caught him and took him to the police.

The prosecutor, on the other hand, says that Jefferson went to the store with Brother and Bear, intending to rob and kill Gropé. Afterward he said that Jefferson stole the money and celebrated by drinking whiskey.


A Lesson Before Dying