A Doll's House

please show how the theme of hypocrisy and pretentious is explored in Doll's house?

please show how the theme of hypocrisy and pretentious is explored in Doll's house?

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Delve into the history of "A Doll's House." This was written by the realists, exposing the tension underneath the middle class values, exposing the hypocrisy in their lives. It talks about a feminist point of view. It shows the social anxiety, the age of uncertainty, the tensions leading up to World War I.

The following themes from A Doll House may be considered hypocritical in themselves.

Individuals and families—and society itself—malfunction when males oppress females. This theme does not necessarily reflect Ibsen's own views. He was said to believe in the traditional role of women in society.

The unexamined life is not worth living. This paraphrase of a Socrates aphorism applies to Torvald and Nora. However, Nora eventually stops to look at herself and her marriage and doesn’t like what she sees. So she steps out of her old persona and into a new one, then walks into an uncertain future. She has begun examining her life.

Living a lie is not living at all. Torvald and Nora have a pretend marriage. He pretends to love her, and she pretends to love him. The same is true of Kristine Linde with respect to her late husband. She walked to the altar pretending to love him. In reality, she married him for the money she needed to provide for her brothers and mother.

Freedom cannot be purchased. Nora thinks her husband’s new job and higher salary will free her from worry. But she eventually learns that it is not debt that enslaves her, but her husband’s unbending will.

There is always hope for a better future. Krogstad, who appears to be a cold-hearted villain through most of the play, exhibits compassion at the end—after he and Mrs. Linde decide to marry—when he apologizes for the trouble he has caused and withdraws his suit against Nora.




