A Cyborg Manifesto Metaphors and Similes

A Cyborg Manifesto Metaphors and Similes

New Stage (Metaphor)

The author insists on looking for new ways to solve social problems. The most interesting aspect is that she doesn’t have much faith in mankind. That’s why she repeats constantly that cyborgs are our future. According to her, we cannot “go back to ideologically or materially.“God” is “dead” and so is “the goddess.” What does it even mean? Donna Haraway believes that a concept of gender has to die. The future is freed from “gender, race, or class consciousness.”

Communication difficulties (Metaphor)

Communications sciences and modern biologies” are constructed by “a common move.” It is “the translation of the world into problem of coding.” As it turned out to be, “a search for a common language” is the most difficult task. Even if we take to personalities who speak the same language, it doesn’t really mean that they understand each other, for they might have different backgrounds and belong different class. Thus, we always have this communication issue.

Misunderstandings (Metaphor)

Cyborgs can suggest “a way out of the maze of dualism” in which “we have explained our bodies and tools to ourselves.” This dream is not only about “a common language” but also “a powerful infidel heteroglossia.” It means both “building and destroying machines, identities, categories, relationships, space stories.” The author states that cyborgs are our future and she would rather be “a cyborg than a goddess.” They are our chance to destroying all the negative concepts that we have been created since the day one.

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