A Christmas Carol

how does dickens explore the ideas of social and moral responsibility in his novella


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In the beginning of the play, Scrooge takes no social or moral responsibility. He makes money and goes home every night. He cares little for his employees or anyone else. The greatest pleasure in A Christmas Carol is watching Scrooge's transformation from money-pinching grouch to generous gentleman. Social and moral responsibility become a blessing for Scrooge. His redemption, a major motif in Christian art, is made possible through free will. While Scrooge is shown visions of the future, he states (and his statement is borne out in Stave Five) that they are only visions of things that "May" be, not what "Will" be. He has the power to change the future with his present actions, and Dickens tries to impart this sense of free will to the reader; if Scrooge can change, then so can anyone.