Select two or three sentences spoken by the old man in the pub. Copy them and translate them into standard English.

what barman says and what it means.

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''Ark at 'im! Calls 'isself a barman and don't know what a pint is! Why, a pint's the 'alf of a quart, and there's four quarts to the gallon. 'Ave to teach you the A, B, C next.'

"Look at him! Calls himself a bartender, and he doesn't know what a pint is. Why, a pint is half a quart, and there's four quarts to a gallon. I'll have to teach you the ABCs next."

'I likes a pint,' persisted the old man. 'You could 'a drawed me off a pint easy enough. We didn't 'ave these bleeding litres when I was a young man.

"I like a pint," persisted the old man. "You could have poured me a pint easily enough. We didn't have litres when I was a young man."
