in cchapter 10 part 2 i found this quote " stand out in the middle of the room. stand back to back. clasp your hands behind your heads. do not touch one another." how can i describe this quote in 4 sentences?


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This is when the thought police break into Winston's and Julia's love nest. I suppose you can try something like,

As Julia and Winston confess the fact that they shan't survive their ordeal, the thought police, as if their end was foretold, break into their fragile sanctuary. A dark voice emanates from behind a picture ordering the now naked prisoners to stand back to back. The cold voice demands that they clasp their hands behind their head and avoid any bodily contact.

This one is a little better!

This is when the Thought Police break into Winston's and Julia's love nest. I suppose you can try something like,

As Julia and Winston confess the fact that they shan't survive their ordeal, the Thought Police break into their fragile sanctuary. As if their end was foretold, a dark voice emanates from behind a picture ordering the now naked prisoners to stand back to back. The cold voice demands that they clasp their hands behind their head and avoid any bodily contact.