I'll have to deliver a presentation about the following question: what influence does it have on the lives of the characters that they are being monitored constantly?

My presentation should be about 5-10 minutes and I really don't know how to speak that much about this.

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THis is pretty involved. Certainly it made everyone paranoid but in the end they became so habituated to the screen and their life under BB, they simply performed exactly the way they were meant to.

Winston, in particular, was keenly aware of telescreens, thought police and microphones. He lived his life in a state of perpetual fear and an almost zombie-like habituation to doing exactly what he was supposed to. I suppose Julia used the screens and monitoring to her advantage (fake falling in front of it). Still they both fell under the illusion that there could be a sanctuary in the prole section.

Winston really hated those telescreens and microphones so much, but he really couldn't do anything about them, so he just had to live with them, the telescreens were so delicate, they could easily pick up a heartbeat, so he in a kind of way must be some sort of person who could really control his heartbeat very good, but if you had to do that during the rest of your life, there wasn't really much life left then, so it must have been really frustrating for him, cause I think his real life nature was at least a little bit passionate!