ligeia by edgar allan poe?

how effective is language in this tale?

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The quote attributed to Joseph Glanvill has never been traced to any of Glanvill's writings and may have been an invention of Poe, but it is nevertheless repeated three times within the story, once at the beginning as the epigraph, once by the narrator, and once by Ligeia on her deathbed. The quote suggests that death is merely a matter of man's will succumbing to the inevitable will of God and leaves open the question of whether or not it is possible to overcome death by force of will. Ligeia is the only character of the three in "Ligeia" that potentially has the will to achieve this feat, and she of all three is the most opposed to the idea of death. Poe gives her the authorship of one of his previously written poems about the Conqueror Worm, where death appears vicious and consumes mimes that are already controlled by unseen forces. Whether or not she has in truth come back from the dead, Ligeia unquestionably dominates the lives of both the narrator and Rowena, so she is the only character that might not have a mysterious force controlling her actions. If so, then she alone is exempt from being a mime in the tragedy called "Man."

